Florence - the sequel
Hello there
Cathedrals, castles and galleries - we've done them all. Well enough for us anyway. Sculptures, paintings architecture - magnificent. An art history class on the hoof. Reubens and Raphael, Titians and Tintarellos abound. The Palace of Pitti was even more incredible than the others we've visited. So - you get the ipression that Florence has made an impression? You'd be correct.
Mike drove us in again today. We started at Michaelangelo's monument. We visited the church and Franceiscan cathedral close by. Lots of steps and quite a few tourists, but still an awesome sight. Again a great deal of restoration being done on all these great buildings, but it doesn't detract from the grandeur of the structures and the decorations.
Mike's developed a bad habit of crossing himself every time he enters these religious establishments. He seems to think someone will get him if he doesn't. A Catholic upbringing has a lot to answer for. Amen.
The Francescan Monastary with Cathedral attached, was next on the itinerary. At St Maria del Croce (no relation to Jim ('Big bad Leroy Brown')), we saw the graves of Michaelangelo, Galileo, Rossini, Macheavelli to name a few. A walk-through history lesson. We walked with the saints and scientists and feel inspired to great works when we return. Mike will start on his renaissance cathedral in the backyard. I am inspired to decorate the ceilings - our place is so plain! Scenes depicting our triumphs and religious philosophies will be the themes.
Tomorrow we are off to Rome. We are hoping to stop in on Siena on the way. Have heard that it is a 'mini Rome'. Austen Powers eat your heart out!
Regards to all
Kerry and Mike.
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