Wednesday, March 11, 2020

Good Government

It seems to me that we are forgetting what good government is all about. The role of Government is not to promote one sector of society over another but to work in the Public  Good! It cannot be defined by ideology but rather a rational process and clear common sense. 
To often we see the application of theory at the expense of rational thought. We see little regard for consequences and certainly if the probable consequences don’t suit the theory! 
We are seeing a “not my fault” and “protect me” mentality developing globally. This means we need to find someone to blame and are therefore exposed to those who prey on these thoughts and promote divisiveness. We keep promoting our way is best when clearly if we didn’t have different ways of seeing and doing things we would not have progress. We need to celebrate diversity and learn from the differences not dismiss them or ridicule them. 
Government needs to understand that following rigorous ideological programmes does no one any favours. To suggest that we are going to have a “Bonfire of Regulations” is dangerously daft! We need regulations but they need to make sense. They should add value and create frameworks not barriers, I agree, but to rubbish the notion of regulation is disingenuous . 
The advent of Corona Virus has highlighted the how different Governments have reacted. Some have said “we need to be ahead of the curve and put in place processes and procedures to cope” as well as they can. Others have said it is all rubbish it doesn’t suit our agenda or ideology therefore if we ignore it it will go away or it is “fake news”. 
At the heart of the issue is how does any Government frame its role? With out a focus on the good of the public and a pragmatic approach to problem solving and an understanding of consequences then we end up with bombast and manipulation to benefit the few at the expense of the many.