Wednesday, March 07, 2018

Cost v Investment

I have been listening to the debate over the cost of superannuation to the country and it has been lumped in with health and education as a cost to the tax payer!

It seems the accountants have taken over the world! We need to stop seeing these necessities as expenses but rather as a country’s investment in the future.

If we keep seeing them as expenses we lose the chance to assess them as investments. We need to start looking at them in terms of what they return to the country both economically and socially. It is a change of mind set when we look them as investments. I always want to increase my return on investments but I want to reduce expenses.

I analyse what I am getting back for my investment, it is about the future where are we going to, why are we doing it and where do we want to end up? Shouldn’t we be looking at our government provided services the same way? Shouldn’t we be measuring on a return on investment to society rather than a cost against the taxpayer? 

I think we need to rethink what we want out of our services and I think that those that govern need to better appreciate what we deserve from our Government services. Sometimes we need to invest more to get a better return. Sometimes we have to cut our losses and get out of projects. We need to ensure that what we are getting is right, proper and of value to our society.


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