St Elena to Punta de Vista
What a life!
Chocolate making and coffee growing, grinding and drinling followed by a three hour drive back to Sam Jose., the first hour on gravel roads but once on the main roads it was plain sailing easy driving really! Kerry's knuckles aren't quite as clenched!
We met up with Irene's Mum, Aarron and family on the Wednesday night and then in convey down to Manuael Antonio and the Punta de Vista. Wow this is pretty spectacular stuff.
We stopped and fed the wild Crocodiles from the bridge, there was an evil gleem in Kerry's eye. The discussions Julia & Kerry were having about the state of my insurances were disconcerting!
We did finally arive at the lodge and it is truely spectacular. 5 stories cascading down a steep slope, roof top Jacuzzis and infinity pool. The lights etc can be operated from the ipod!!!
We went on boat trip yesterday, a bit of snorkling, dolphin chasing and diner as the sun set. Idyllic really.
Today is the wedding, preparations are underway. Decorating, make-up, ironing etc. are in full swing.
I think I might take a walk along the beach there are some spectacular sights to be seen!!!
Monkeys joined us for breakfast this morning, interesting I am not sure who were the most curious or best trained ourselves or the Monkeys! The Sloths are slow in making an appearance!
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